My Studies

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Currently I am studying Computing for Commerce and Industry at Open University.

Java for Networked Applications

I have completed this course in 2001. I had to write a tcp/ip chat program and server that would support unlimited number of clients. That was not very easy and it took me amost all night to do this. Anyway, I have completed this course and passed exam with merrit.

Relational Database Systems

I have completed this course in 2001.

Architectures of Computing Systems

This is really interesting course that expanded my knowledge of internal computing principles.
Passed with merrit in 2002.

Software Engineering

Borring. This is the most similar to what I have been studying previously - Business Management. Passed the exam in 2002.

Creativity, Innovation and Change

Started this course in the May of 2002.

Distributed Applications and E-commerce

Started this course in the May of 2002.
Last modified: 2002-10-21

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